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Behind the Pen: Rhea Revealed

You'll find all kinds of stuff on Behind the Pen: Rhea Revealed, including book reviews, information about writing, and even personal behind-the-scenes stuff!

Review of the Genevieve Lenard Series (Written by Estelle Ryan)

Let me preface this by saying I abhor fiction written in the first person. It's rarely done well. However, Estelle Ryan has taken everything I hate about first-person writing and made me love it – at least in her series about Genevieve Lenard. I have read every book in the series over and over again. Ms. Ryan's characters show depth right from the ...

Review of “The Seven Brothers of Elko” Series (Written by Raeann Blake)

This romance series can be read as stand-alone books or as a series. When subsequent books refer to previous books, which is rare, Raeann gives enough information so you don't lose the storyline but not so much that she's repeating chunks of previous books in the series. At most, it might be a few summarizing sentences. These books are well worth t...

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