• Buck Hole Hollow: Adley
  • Adley - Buck Hole Hollow
  • Buck Hole Hollow: Adley - Davis


Rhea Morrigan is a paralegal and non-fiction writer who recently started dabbling in fiction. She is also a content strategist. Her multi-faceted role in content marketing and web design takes the better part of her day, but in her free time, she enjoys crocheting, pyrography, and, more recently, writing steamy romances. 

Rhea lives on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee with her GSD, Xander and Umbrella Cockatoo, Chynah. She rarely leaves her mountain home since she works from home and has done so for over a decade. She prefers the beauty of the mountains to the bustling cities -- something you will notice she carries into her books. 

Rhea loves to read and has done so since before she was five. Granted, back then, it was the simple stuff, like Dr. Seuss. Now, she finds time to read every day. Her Kindle is full of books, but there are four series that she goes back to over and over from her three favorite authors.  

Rhea is currently working on the second book in the Buck Hole Hollow Series. While this book has been in the works for well over two years, she hopes to finish it before the summer of 2024 -- and hopes the next book in the series will come a bit easier!

You can download Buck Hole Hollow: Adley or order it in paperback. All of her books will be available in both formats.

You can find Rhea's favorites at the following links: 

Raeann Blake - The Seven Brothers of Elko Series plus all her stand-alone romances

Estelle Ryan - Genevieve Lenard Series

Daniel Adams - Troy Barclay / Amber Nielson Series and Titan Duplantier Series