By Rhea Morrigan on Monday, 05 February 2024
Category: Writing Process

The Buck Hole Hollow Series Setting

Every book has a setting created in the author's mind. In many cases, such as that of the Buck Hole Hollow series, the setting is based on a real place. However, works of fiction are just that – fiction. While a setting might be named after a real place and have some similarities, it's still a figment of the author's imagination.  

Where is Buck Hole Hollow?

Buck Hole Hollow is a real place nestled in the picturesque mountains near Eagan, Tennessee. It's an area between several mountains that capture the beauty of the Appalachian Mountains. Rhea lives on the Cumberland Plateau, and the area is similar to Rhea's home, though the mountains are steeper in Buck Hole Hollow.

Valley Creek and Valley Creek Road run through the hollow, providing a lifeline through the tranquil landscape. There are some residences in the area, but people must travel to Eagan, Middlesboro or Clairfield for groceries, gas and other shopping amenities. 

Rhea Morrigan chose that area for several reasons, including its unique name that adds character to the area. The hollow boasts stunning landscapes, including expansive forests and meandering creeks. The weather creeks enhance the area's charm and present an ever-changing tableau of natural beauty, especially when they are running.

One of the defining features of the terrain is its steep topography, which lends to great views from the mountain tops and the many opportunities for waterfalls, whether on smaller streams and creeks or unnamed weather creeks. 

Landmarks and Businesses in Buck Hole Hollow 

In the captivating world of Buck Hole Hollow, Rhea's imagination takes over as she creates her own landmarks that add a touch of magic to the romantic landscape. One such landmark is the waterfall behind Adley's house, a focal point for social gatherings and business meetings. The house is turned, so the multi-level rear deck is close to the waterfall, lending a perfect place for barbecues and meetings.

There are also bluffs behind Adley's and Michael's homes. Adley and Davis created horse-riding and ATV trails throughout the expansive property that wind their way through the expansive property, leading up to and traversing the bluffs. The trails serve as a testament to the characters' adventurous spirits and offer a way for them to explore the natural beauty that surrounds Buck Hole Hollow. 

While Rhea breathes life into her own fictional businesses, she seamlessly integrates a touch of reality into her stories by incorporating a couple of businesses inspired by real establishments in the area.

The series features a restaurant and bar that exist in reality, adding an authentic layer to the fictional world Rhea crafted. The blending of fact and fiction draws the reader in, as it gives them a sense of familiarity amid the fantastical elements.

Notably, a recurring setting is the convenience store in Eagan, where the characters frequently stop for breakfast. In the series, this store takes on a personal touch, as Hank's mom owns the establishment and makes the best breakfast sandwiches in the area. This detail not only introduces a charming familial connection but also adds a touch of local flavor to the stories and shows the everyday experiences of the characters.

The landmarks and businesses of Buck Hole Hollow are more than backdrops – they are integral components that contribute to the lives of the characters. 

The Geography of Buck Hole Hollow 

Geography plays a minor role in that it makes a difference in logging styles – it's inherently more dangerous logging steep hills than it is in relatively flat areas. It also lends to the atmosphere of the entire series and how the people interact – they're definitely not city folk!

Buck Hole Hollow is in the Appalachian Mountains and is surrounded by many natural features, including Miller Mountain to the west, Rich and Bryson Mountains to the north and northeast, and North and Horseshoe Mountains to the southeast. Chimney Rocks, Rich Gap, Big Coal Gap, and Little Coal Gap are also to the southeast. There are also several strip mines in the general area, which further emphasize the influence of the landscape on the region's economy and environment.

The geography of Buck Hole Hollow is more than a backdrop. It becomes a character in the series, as it shapes the inhabitants and influences the dynamics of their interactions. 

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