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Behind the Pen: Rhea Revealed

You'll find all kinds of stuff on Behind the Pen: Rhea Revealed, including book reviews, information about writing, and even personal behind-the-scenes stuff!

Building Compelling Characters in Romance Novels

While a romance novel captivates readers with love, connection and passion, the characters are at the heart of every memorable romance. The characters have hopes, dreams, flaws, and triumphs that drive the narrative forward and capture your readers' hearts. Creating compelling characters is an art form and requires writers to delve deep into the hu...

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© Copyright April 2024 by Rhea Morrigan and EpochWriter

The Language of Love: Mastering Romance Fiction Writing

Romance fiction writing is a genre that weaves tales of passion, desire, and connection that touch readers across the globe. Behind every captivating romance novel is a writer skilled at his or her craft who is able to weave human emotion into narratives that tug at your heartstrings. Whether you are a romance fiction fan, an experienced romance wr...

The Buck Hole Hollow Series Setting

Every book has a setting created in the author's mind. In many cases, such as that of the Buck Hole Hollow series, the setting is based on a real place. However, works of fiction are just that – fiction. While a setting might be named after a real place and have some similarities, it's still a figment of the author's imagination.   Where is Bu...

Meet the Characters of Buck Hole Hollow

Love is an art form, and those in love are the brush strokes on the canvas that bring emotions to life. As it is in real life, so it goes in romance novels. The characters who live in Buck Hole Hollow work, play and love, just like real people. However, where real people may not talk about certain feelings, these characters tell you all about them....

Plotting vs. Pantsing: Which is Better?

Some people plot, and some write by the seat of their pants. Which is better? That depends on the writer. Writing is personal and creative, and not one writer's mind works like another. Some people are natural storytellers and can come up with novels that are longer than the industry standard without a minute of plotting. Others need the structure ...