By Rhea Morrigan on Tuesday, 12 December 2023
Category: Holidays

Holiday Traditions: Classics and New Traditions

The holiday season isn't only about decking the halls. It's about family, friends, traditions and making memories. Holiday lights, family feasts, road trips, and more make up family traditions carried from year to year. Those old-timey traditions bring stability to our lives, and people are often reluctant to change them, even when life dictates that we have to change something. You can combine old and new traditions to create your own family traditions when life causes major changes.

The Timeless Classics

People like to hold onto traditions because it brings back the nostalgia of when they were kids. Traditions can also hold a lot of memories, including that of lost loved ones. Many families are proud to pass classic traditions down through the generations.

Traditional Holiday Rituals

​Many traditional holiday rituals help pass memories from one generation to another, especially if you have something from previous generations, such as Christmas tree decorations or a large dining table that was in your great-grandmother's house. Some of the classic traditions include:

Modern Twists on Holiday Classics 

​With technology comes change. Christmas lights are no longer those super bright, crisp colors. Instead, you have LED lights that look almost pastel in color. You also have different types of decorations. In some families, gone are the days when dad or a relative pulled out the ladder and put lights on the roof. Now, we have digital lightshows.

You can still have a creative Christmas display by combining the new with the old. Hang up wreaths, put Santas and other holiday décor on the porch, and light up the lights, whether you go old-style or have the technology for a fancy light show.

If you are particularly crafty, you can make some of your own decorations to hand down to future generations. Finally, when you have people who are too far away, digital technology allows you to celebrate virtually. 

Establishing New Traditions 

If you are set on the classic holiday traditions, you can still establish new holiday traditions. Ideas for new holiday traditions include:

Balancing the Old and New 

It's easy enough to keep up with family traditions as long as the kids are young. However, when they grow up and have families of their own, they're often torn between having the holidays at home or their spouse's family's. Some families go to both places – they just don't overeat at either place. Others might switch holidays – they go to one spouse's family for Thanksgiving and the other spouse's family for Christmas.

Another way to work it out is to have one family have a breakfast or brunch feast and have the other family do a dinner feast so everyone can see everyone on the holidays. This could be a brand-spankin' new tradition your family starts.

Happy Holidays! 

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